Why No One Uses the Corporate Social Network (Harvard Business Review)

Why No One Uses the Corporate Social Network (Harvard Business Review)

Less than half of enterprise collaboration tools installed have many employees "using them regularly". Why is this? When executives don't see collaboration and engagement as a good use of their time, employees quickly learn that they shouldn’t either...

Onboarding Millennials: From Instructive to Supportive Employee Training (STC)

Onboarding Millennials: From Instructive to Supportive Employee Training (STC)

Millennials have now surpassed Generation X to become the largest generation in the North American workforce. This means that over a third of YOUR workforce has grown up in a world where instant communication and accessible, affordable technology are a given. When it comes to work culture, Millennials are different - so reaching them through traditional means is no longer effective. Read on to find out more about how this cohort requires a fresh approach to onboarding - which focuses on ease of access, bite-sized chunks of pertinent data and compelling content.

Five Trends That will Boost Your Internal Communications Strategy (MyHub)

Five Trends That will Boost Your Internal Communications Strategy (MyHub)

What's the overall result of ineffective internal communication efforts? 70% of employees say they are "not engaged", and as a direct result, companies are losing 20 to 25% of their revenue each year due to disengaged employees. How can you turn this trend around within your own company? Click here to review some leading strategies so you can get started right away...

How to Improve Your Business Writing (Harvard Business Review)

How to Improve Your Business Writing (Harvard Business Review)

As your business transitions into Fall, you're likely faced with an abundance of business and technical writing requirements. Should you outsource this work or try to tackle it internally? To answer this question, you’ll need to analyze the profile and visibility of each writing project, know your audience, and assess the likelihood of creating clear communications with in-house resources.  It’s also likely that you need to write on the job all the time: proposals to clients, memos to senior executives, a constant flow of emails to colleagues. But how can you ensure that your writing is as clear and effective as possible? Check out this Harvard Business Review article to find out how to make your communications really stand out...

Eight Ways to Communicate Your Strategy More Effectively (Harvard Business Review)

Eight Ways to Communicate Your Strategy More Effectively (Harvard Business Review)

Check out this Harvard Business Review piece on corporate communiactions - it aptly describes several straightforward approaches that can help you to much more effectively reach your employees and motivate behaviours that can advance your strategy while also bolstering your bottom line. Pay particular attention to the advise on Using 21-Century Media - as oftentimes your delivery mechanism is as important (and makes as much of a statement) as the content itself.

Why not Use Your Own Internal Teams to Write About your Technical Products & Services?

Why not Use Your Own Internal Teams to Write About your Technical Products & Services?

It's often a big decision to outsource corporate writing projects. Should the budget come out of IT, Marketing or Communications? And isn't it more cost effective to allocate the work internally? External business writers can lend a type of objectivity that's almost impossible to duplicate in-house. And not just that, hiring professionals can actually save you a lot of money....