
What the future of hybrid work will (and won’t) look like, according to 27 business leaders (Fast Company)

What the future of hybrid work will (and won’t) look like, according to 27 business leaders (Fast Company)

The rise of remote work has drastically changed the relationship between companies and their employees. Nearly 60% of employees who can work from home would prefer a hybrid work schedule going forward. At the same time, roughly 60% said they want more structure from their employers when it comes to deciding hybrid work schedules. Less clear for employers, though, is how frequently employees might come into the office. Check out what these business leaders and experts think about the future of hybrid work:

2022 Trends Report: Corporate and Financial Communications (National)

2022 Trends Report: Corporate and Financial Communications (National)

While organizations are just beginning to regain some stability, many of tomorrow's challenges are already knocking at the door, and they need to be prepared to meet them. The expectations of all stakeholders have evolved, and some of these imperatives are here to stay. Here are the trends our corporate and financial communications experts see for 2022…