Eight Ways to Communicate Your Strategy More Effectively (Harvard Business Review)

Eight Ways to Communicate Your Strategy More Effectively (Harvard Business Review)

Check out this Harvard Business Review piece on corporate communiactions - it aptly describes several straightforward approaches that can help you to much more effectively reach your employees and motivate behaviours that can advance your strategy while also bolstering your bottom line. Pay particular attention to the advise on Using 21-Century Media - as oftentimes your delivery mechanism is as important (and makes as much of a statement) as the content itself.

Why not Use Your Own Internal Teams to Write About your Technical Products & Services?

Why not Use Your Own Internal Teams to Write About your Technical Products & Services?

It's often a big decision to outsource corporate writing projects. Should the budget come out of IT, Marketing or Communications? And isn't it more cost effective to allocate the work internally? External business writers can lend a type of objectivity that's almost impossible to duplicate in-house. And not just that, hiring professionals can actually save you a lot of money....